About Us

Savary Shores Improvement District was incorporated in 1980 to deliver drinking water to residents of Savary Shores. Residents pay for the water service, and for the infrastructure, operations, and administration, in annual tax levies issued by SSID, in accordance with BC Provincial regulations.

The Waterworks System Map represents the culmination of 44 years work by trustees, staff and contractors. Names may be found at Historical List of Trustees.

Savary Shores encompasses 213 lots, of which 172 are currently serviced with water connections. The total water consumption in 2023 was 1,490,443 imperial gallons or 6775 cubic meters. Water is pumped from 2 wells drawing on Savary Island's main aquifer about 110 feet below ground. Two electric pumps run by a diesel generator (with another one idle, as backup) pull water to 2 steel reservoir tanks—a 40,000-imperial gallon tank on the ground, and a 10,000-imperial gallon tank on a 55-foot steel tower.

Water is distributed to Savary Shores properties by a network of pipes running underground in the roads of the District. The District is served by 13 fire hydrants at intervals throughout the system, as well as 4 pipe blow-offs, 3 air release valves, and 17 gate valves.

SSID decisions are made by a Board of 3 elected Trustees. SSID's Administrator manages the taxation and daily affairs. The Operator maintains the waterworks infrastructure, and the Water Sampler takes monthly water samples at 8 locations in the District. SSID's Meter Reader records monthly changes in water consumption as measured at the water meters for each property. Contact information may be found at savaryshoreswater.ca/trustees-and-personnel